Is on Day 6 of the "WE NEED EACH OTHER" Campaign. As I noted yesterday, the Islamic community in Philadelphia shares information. Information comes as resources but no one has to be Muslim to be a resource for someone else. When I turned down the job at SDP, my sisters told me about Lyft, Caviar, ACS Consultants and many other resources that I still utilize today. I value time way more than money. I saw how NOT being home with my children affected their learning. I learned really how wealthy WE are if you get what you need without using any money at all! I don't buy furniture and HATE shopping for clothes. So if you are not in a wealthy community, where are resources? Unfortunately, it is the non-profit organizations that service individuals not communities. Because they are STILL businesses that make $$$$ from poverty, there is NO incentive to provide the resources to the clients they serve! Typically, through the long lines, all the information requested and time they waste, they are doing the job that keeps them employed. The non-profits are about making "phony" jobs for them that do NOTHING for us!!! That's why I do this work. I define wealth as the elimination of the poverty mindset. There can still be low-income folks who own real estate, cars and share expenses with the time to educate their children. I know real wealth is NOT income but Net-Worth (assets - liabilities). Social service programs boost income so "salaries" are not real measures of WEALTH. #wealthmentality #wecanDOthis #weneedeachother #wealthbuilders P.S. In Philadelphia with disciplined savings, a single person can become a homeowner of a 60,000 rowhome on a salary of $20,000 a year #goals #becauseofRedlining #undervalued