strives for an attitude of gratitude so I can pass that to my children. In my reflection, I see that many components of the wealth mentality were a part of my childhood experience. I am hoping our children are encouraged to be grateful for the little things in life. The attitude of gratitude also applies to money. People think they have to be wealthy to do certain things. We don't need to be wealthy to be kind. We don't need to be wealthy to care about each other. We don't need to be wealthy to GIVE back to our communities. We don't need to be wealthy to support local businesses. We don't need to be wealthy to serve. In order to do the right activities with large amounts, we have to do the right activities with the small amounts. In order to do that, we can budget by percentages instead of values. For example, the amount we spend on ourselves is $100 a week OR 10% of the weekly budget. The percentage system says we can "afford" more when there is more in the budget. Financial Literacy Day 27 is to control spending by budgeting on percentages. Then, we can start to build daily habits of the right activities regardless of income.